Bree-Anna Burick Jan 6, 2024 7 min read

How Bad Is Vaping for You, Really?

Vaping isn't so bad, right? It doesn’t smell like the bowels of hell the way a cigarette does. The odor doesn’t linger in your clothing, hair, and clothes forever. Heck, it’s downright healthy, isn’t it? Not quite…

It’s common to hear people make the argument that vaping is better than cigarettes. But, just because something’s better than the bowels of hell doesn’t make it a good thing. Read on for a finite answer to the often-asked question, “How bad is vaping for you, really?”

What Is Vaping?

Put simply, vaping simulates smoking. It’s a battery-powered device that creates an aerosol containing nicotine, flavoring, and more than 30 additional chemicals like formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Like cigarette smoking, the aerosol that’s inhaled travels into the lungs and bloodstream.

Initially, vaping devices were designed to look like traditional cigarettes. Now, they come in an array of shapes, sizes, and colors. The most common variations almost look like a large USB stick that can be easily tucked into any pocket or purse. What’s In It?

No matter its shape, vapes contain the same basic elements: a battery, a sensor, and an atomizer or flavor cartridge.

Within the device, the liquid is heated, turned to an aerosol, and inhaled into people’s lungs.

Vapes don’t put off a terribly potent punch with clouds of smoke. And the fact that they come in practically every flavor makes them more bearable than traditional cigarettes.

When someone wonders, “What does vaping do to your lungs?” know the internal damage to the lungs and bloodstream is high, making the health risks of e-cigarettes and vaping quite substantial.

Why Do People Do It?

There are three main reasons why people introduce vaping into their everyday lives. For some, the ingestion of nicotine into their bloodstream is relaxing. Who doesn’t want to bring their anxious energy down a notch? It makes total sense.

More accurately, the ingestion of nicotine triggers a release of dopamine in the brain. That’s the “feel good” chemical in the body that people often chase through thrill-seeking, smoking, or – more sustainably – exercise.

Others edge into vaping as they try to quit cigarettes. It’s a fool’s errand, though, because vapes also contain nicotine, the most addictive element in this dangerous concoction. This is one of the most important vaping facts you need to know; they do, indeed, contain nicotine.

Finally, let’s turn to the risks of e-cigarettes for kids, teens, and young adults. Some of the younger generations begin vaping because they think it’s less harmful than cigarettes. We hear the term “misinformation” in the news a lot and, sadly, this is one of the most misinformed elements of society today.

It seems that younger generations have accepted the fact that smoking cigarettes is bad for them. You don’t see too many of them lighting up the way the older generations used to, circa Mad Men in the 1950s.

So, it’s a natural conclusion that, through misinformation, they think they’re taking a better approach to the stress-relieving activity. Perhaps, over time, however, the pendulum will swing in the direction of vaping, as well, and more people will quit this habit, as well.

What Are the Myths Surrounding Vaping?

Somewhere along the line, people started to believe vaping was a healthy alternative to cigarettes. Unfortunately, this is a mistruth that has spun out of control and leads to a host of health problems.

It Helps You Quit Smoking

In the FDA’s list of effective products for quitting smoking, vaping is noticeably absent from the list.

Ad companies, the media, and – of course – vaping companies, want the world to buy into the lie that vaping is a healthier alternative.

When you consider that people who vape are still inhaling nicotine and other chemicals like acetone, you have to figure continued addiction and lung damage are still taking place.

It’s Healthier Than Cigarettes

Let’s continue with the recurring myth: vaping is safer than smoking. When people vape, they ingest a host of chemicals, including acetone, acrolein, and benzene.

Acetone is the potent formula that’s used to take nail polish off our hands and feet. It’s incredibly potent. Just think about how it can make your eyes water if you inhale it too sharply.

Acrolein is a herbicide often used to kill weeds. Can you imagine unscrewing a bottle of herbicide and taking a swig?

Benzene is a volatile compound often found in car exhaust. When’s the last time you bellied up to a tailpipe and felt inclined to take a deep whiff?

Can vaping damage your lungs? Like cigarette smoking, vaping can cause cancer over time, adding to the headcount of lives that are wasted one puff at a time.

It Doesn’t Contain Nicotine

We’ve already covered this, but it’s worth underlining. To be more precise, one vape pod contains as much nicotine as 20 cigarettes).

It’s unclear when people started asking, “Is vaping harmful?” But, the myth that vaping isn’t as harmful as cigarettes is as much a mistruth as alcohol being an upper.

It Emits a Harmless Vapor

It’s true that if someone were to puff on a vape beside you, it wouldn’t be as pungent as a cigarette. But, that softer, water-like mist still contains aerosol.

Although the particles are ultra-fine, they’re still likely to be ingested into the lungs of those around and are quite harmful.

It’s Easy to Quit

You may know someone who switched to vaping, thinking they were easing themselves out of a lifetime of smoking.

This is a terrible misconception because vaping still trains the brain to anticipate nicotine and create a desire to continue the harmful habit.

What Are the Harmful Effects of Vaping?

Let’s defer to the experts. According to the American Lung Association, there are a slew of harmful effects that come with vaping. Here are some of the most astonishing sadnesses:

  • Lung disease

  • Heart disease

  • COPD

  • Asthma

  • Lung cancer

In addition to these side effects, vaping may impair people’s immune systems and even impede the body’s ability to heal wounds, much like cigarette smoking.

How bad is vaping for your health? Well, these potential side effects seem like a high price to pay for a few daily shots of dopamine to the brain when other things like exercise, music, and a good night’s sleep can all do the trick.

How Bad Is Vaping for You, Really?

Bad… very, very bad. If you’ve never picked up a cigarette before, don’t pick up vaping now. When your friends needle you, saying, “How bad is vaping for you, really?” you can list the reasons why.

On the other hand, if you’re trying to quit smoking, speak to your healthcare provider for an alternative list of ways to improve your heart and lung health.

It may not be easy to quit smoking, but your body will thank you for the rest of your life. And may it be long and healthy!

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